Barrel, Tourist Item and Simple Scene

In the first part of my self study, Tutorial, portfolio work I was tasked wit hcreating a simple barrel in blender.

I used the following tutorial to assist me: 

and created this barrel:

After this I was tasked with creating a tourest item that would be found in Tasmania. I chose to replicate the "Spirit of Tasmania"
Whilst it is not an exact remake, It is sufficient to understand what is being replicated.

Reference image:

Created Model:"

After this I was tasked with creating a simple scene in unity and importing different assets. The image below showcases tthe various iterations of the "Spirit of Tasmania" with the right side being my initial concepts and the left side with the final result.

The scene includes a jet, multiples of the barrel created, aswell as multiples of the spirit and a cube.

The above exercies were a great way to intorduce myself to the tools and functions avaliable within both Blender and Unity.


- Learning about UV wrapping, texturing, subdivision, extrude tool


- I can't paint jack s#it with a mouse, even with the stabilization tool avaliable for brushes.

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